Foster Homes
The Children’s Neighborhood is comprised of five long-term licensed family foster homes.

The Children’s Neighborhood is comprised of five long-term licensed family foster homes. Our full-time foster parents provide a stable, loving, nurturing environment for children who are in long-term foster care. Each family foster home can be licensed to serve up to 5 children. Our Foster Parents provide age appropriate life-skills; Basic necessities such as food, clothing, and hygiene products; Counseling and emotional support; Educational support and tutoring; Recreational activities and enrichment programs; and Referrals to community resources and support services. They work closely with case managers to ensure the children are receiving medical and dental services that are regularly scheduled.
tour the neighborhood
Thank you so much CartoBlue for donating your time and services to Children in Crisis! Click the image of the neighborhood to take the tour.

The King Whitmire Therapy Center
is specifically designed to address the therapeutic needs of our children in The Children’s Neighborhood. The Center supports all children, but in particular, those who have experienced abuse, abandonment, and/or neglect and have signs of mental or emotional behaviors as a result. We also use the Center for providing our Foster Parents with educational training and support activities. In partnership with our Foster Parents, Wrap-Around Services, and our Education Liaison, we celebrate each child’s progress and recovery from the exposed trauma, toxic stress, and/or early harm that many of the children have suffered before arriving at Children in Crisis.

The Children’s Neighborhood
is also blessed to have Kay’s Pantry, it’s own beautiful food pantry. Kay’s is the first stop for non-perishable food items. Without the support of our community, like Destin Harvest, our faith-based community, and our local civic organizations, Kay’s cupboard wouldn’t be able to support and provide subsistence to our Foster Families. Through generous donations, grants, and our local community, The Children’s Neighborhood was able to build Aunt Bill’s Playground, the Charles D. Rigdon Pavilion and the Kid’s Clubhouse where mentoring and tutoring occurs. The Kid’s Clubhouse also provides children the opportunity to particpate in art projects, book reading, and access to computers for conducting research for school projects.

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